Financial Accounting for Nonprofits
Every nonprofit wants to know the tea on financial accounting. From churches to youth organizations to the local chambers of commerce, nonprofit organizations make our communities more livable places. Unlike for-profit businesses that exist to generate profits for their owners, nonprofit organizations exist to pursue missions that address the needs of society. So, let's maintain transparency and public trust by educating ourselves on the accounting rules.
Join me and Chyla Graham, CPA, with CNRG Accounting Advisory, LLC as we discuss financial accounting for nonprofits. Come Learn:
- The differences between For-Profit and Non-Profit financial statements.
- What financial policies a nonprofit should have in place.
- How a nonprofit should handle an in-kind donation.
- When a nonprofit should file an annual audit and
- Much, much more
Hosted By: Sabrina Walker Hernandez, MPA
President/CEO, Supporting World Hope
Your Host: Sabrina is a certified consultant, coach, & facilitator that helps small nonprofit Staff & Board build relationships that convert into more donors. She has over 25 years of experience in nonprofit management, fundraising, and leadership. Among Sabrina’s successes is that she increased operation revenue from $750,000 to $2.5M and completing a $12M comprehensive capital campaign in the 3rd poorest county in the United States. She has facilitated numerous workshops with hundreds of nonprofit professionals. Sabrina is certified in Nonprofit Management by Harvard Business School. She is an active community leader and volunteer in Edinburg, Texas where she is based.