Get even more from the Building A Thriving Nonprofit Summit with the VIP Backstage Pass! The value of the VIP Backstage Pass is crazy – $4400+ worth of content to help you increase your revenue, engage your board, and build community awareness. Items are being added daily.
Get Your SWAG Bag
Here's what in the bag!
Swag Bag includes:
6 months of access to all presentations ($1,100 value)
Transcription of Build A Thriving Nonprofit Summit Presentations ($750 value)
Access to presenters to get your specific questions answered ($400 value)
Virtual Swag Bag with premium bonuses from our speakers ($3,000+ value)
Swag Bag items:
Entrance into a drawing for a fully written grant up to $25,000 by Nonprofit Marketplace. ($1,000)
50% Discount to the S & B Mastermind Community ($1,200)
Content Marketing Bundle($197)
House Party Friendraising Kit which has a fill-in-the-blank script, done for you agenda, timeline, and emails to help you cultivate donors in-person and virtually, by Supporting World Hope ($97 Value)
Ultimate Board Toolkit($39)
Access to 2020 Build A Thriving Nonprofit Summit Recordings for 6 months ($1,100 value)
and much more