Free Ebook: Fund Your Nonprofit

Are you a small nonprofit struggling with fundraising?

Whether you are new to fundraising, have no donors, and don’t know where to start or you have been in the nonprofit business for some time and feel like you have hit a fundraising wall this free Fund Your Nonprofit ebook is for you.

I share insight from my journey of raising a $2.5M operating budget in a small community located in the 3rd poorest county in the United States.

I know what's it like to be responsible for your organization’s budget and trying to figure things out on your own. I've been there, and it ain't pretty. 😄

In this ebook you will find:

  • Steps to develop a list of prospective donors even if you are just getting started with fundraising and have no list,
  • How to friendraise, and
  • The top six ways to cultivate donors.
Cover Page Fund Your Nonprofit

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